

You've stumbled upon our humble website [Issues on Spanking] dedicated to the controversial issues surrounding the corporal punishment of spanking.

For your convenience we’ve divided this vast topic into three very basic categories:

Psychology of Spanking】【Opposing Spanking】【 Who spanks and when is it Abuse?

Heres a quick summary of what each of us aim to discuss within each category;

Psychology of Spanking -By Alfredo Avalos:

On the page entitled “The Psychological Effects Spanking Has on Children”, the reader will learn about how corporal punishment can negatively affect a young child’s physical and psychological well-being. A child who is spanked has a significantly higher risk of developing serious conditions such as depression and addictions to alcohol or illegal substances. This page will show the reader what other consequences can happen if corporal punishment is continually administered and offers possible alternatives to spanking.

Opposing Spanking- By Shelby Brown 

I oppose spanking because there are a lot of negatives that can come from it. Spanking should be banned because there are a lot of studies that have shown that spanking can have negative effects on a children’s life. Not only can it affect family life, but also it can affect the child in the future.  Spanking can teach bad habits to a child, because it teaches them that hitting is okay. In reality, parents are always telling their kids “no hitting.” Spanking can make a child feel like they’re a bad child, when actually the parents are just trying to teach the child what is wrong. So why spank them? There are other ways to get through to a child than hitting them. As well, even if parents think spanking is okay, where do we draw the line? How do parents know when they are being abusive? So many times it can lead to abuse.

Who spanks and when is it Abuse? By Nancy Duran

Regardless of your thoughts on spanking, there comes a time when a person crosses a certain invisible, yet fairly acknowledged, line between what some might call a “harmless” spank and what could possibly be considered abuse. The problem I try to address here is a simple one; where exactly does that line lie? Yet I’m afraid the debate is not as simple as the question it arises, but before I address those issues we have to start at the core of the matter; spanking and those who spank. 

Please feel free to explore and watch our videos, take our poll, or read what others had to say about spanking. 
Happy Hunting!

-Shelby, Alfredo, and Nancy

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